Immersion Cooling
What is immersion Cooling?
Immersion cooling is where IT components or full servers are immersed in a thermally, but not electrically conductive liquid.
Because the equipment is cooled using a liquid IT hardware or servers do not require fans and the heat exchanged between the coolant and the secondary cooling loop (normally water based) occurs through a heat exchanger.
There are two basic approaches:
- IT components / servers are installed into a shared “tank”
- Individual servers are installed in specially designed rack mountable “nodes”
There are also two key different types of immersion cooling:
- Single Phase
- Single phase coolants remain in the same liquid state
- Coolant is pumped into a heat exchange where the heat is transferred to a cooler water circuit
- Two Phase
- Two phase coolants can exist in either a liquid or gas state
- Coolant heats up and turns into a gas
- A condenser is used to transfer the heat to a cooler water circuit, returning the gas to a liquid state
Why Use Immersion Cooling?
- More energy efficient. Liquids can absorb and transfer heat far more efficiently than air
- Reduced PUE, as low as 1.03
- Increased density, more compute in a smaller area, especially for applications such as HPC, AI and ML.
- Easier to reuse the thermal energy extracted from the running IT systems